Writing Warm-up

Are you ready to write? Do the words tumble onto the page effortlessly or only flow when you’re totally ‘in the mood / zone’? No matter how often you write, starting the process (especially when you know you have limited writing time) can be a problem.

Most writers are familiar with blank page syndrome. It’s a rare writer who isn’t. Staring at that page, until it seems like beads of blood are blistering your forehead, doesn’t always provide a solution. What does work is a little bit of free-writing (also known as automatic or stream-of-consciousness writing). Just a few minutes of writing whatever comes to mind, without stopping to check for spelling or grammar or whether it makes sense, provides an effective warm-up.

So, when you next face a blank page, write continuously – anything at all – without pausing. It doesn’t matter what you write – it’s just a warm-up exercise for the proper stuff – but, do read what you’ve written afterwards as such writing often contains visionary sparks and a few ideas that you might be able to use.